Mohammad Qureshi, Ph.D, P.E., T.E.

Chief Strategy Officer / Senior Project Manager

Dr. Qureshi, “Dr. Q”, has nearly 3 decades of experience as a transportation engineer. He is an expert in traffic signal operational analysis, highway capacity analysis, accident analysis, and intersection design alternatives analysis. He also possesses experience in the design of transportation systems, traffic signals, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), guardrail design, CCTV video communication design, traffic signal system design, signing and striping, stage construction/handling and traffic control.  Dr. Qureshi has applied his transportation expertise to several major highway and multimodal projects for various agencies within Southern California, including Orange County, Los Angeles County, cities of Long Beach, San Bernardino, Pasadena, Chino, Walnut, Irvine, Rancho Cucamonga, and multiple Caltrans districts. In addition, Dr. Qureshi has over 7 years of experience working as Traffic Division Chief for the County of San Bernardino, Traffic Engineer for the County of Monterey, and Public Works Director for the County of Glenn. His experience, combined with his knowledge of current standards and best practices, provides his clients with insightful, effective design solutions.